Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Mid-week Man Candy

Before I start, I have to mention that last Friday was our one-year blog anniversary. And we forgot. Oops. So thank you, everyone, for reading. A year ago, I was pretty sure we would get bored of blogging after a couple of weeks, but this milestone just proves that this probably was a good idea after all.


This week's Man Candy is Jon Hamm. This marks the second time one of Liz Lemon's boyfriends has been honored in Man Candy, and that is because she has excellent taste in men (except maybe Dennis). How can you not love a man who bakes? Jon Hamm is very handsome and very funny. I don't really like Mad Men, but he was a great SNL host and I always appreciate a good James Mason impression. So although we know he's only booked for a few episodes, we wish he could stick around 30 Rock a little longer than Floyd, who we miss very much.

SkitchKD (11:46:05 PM): i would like a battle bt jon hamm and floyd
ffiore957 (11:46:16 PM): what kind of battle?
SkitchKD (11:46:44 PM): a battle for liz lemon
ffiore957 (11:47:36 PM): i think floyd would win
SkitchKD (11:47:50 PM): for what reasons
ffiore957 (11:48:17 PM): because i want him to

DISCLAIMER: Katy knew this blog would last...or at least it would just turn in to Luca sans Mcc

1 comment:

Phillip Kisubika said...

I kinda have a man crush on Jon Hamm. So sophisticated, yet casual. He's a huge St. Louis sports fan (and by proxy Arizona Cardinals...since they used to be in STL). I can't believe you don't love Mad Men, but either way I'm glad you picked him.