Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I hate being a grown-up

I just watched this preview of the new season of Sesame Street (beginning August 11th, if you're interested) and I'm so jealous. The show was never this awesome when we were kids. OK, so I didn't watch it when I was a kid, but I'm pretty sure it did not feature the '80s equivalent of Feist, Will Arnett, Mike Rowe, Heidi Klum, Jonah Hill, LL Cool J, David Beckham, Jack Black and a parody of 30 Rock. I think I know the answer to this already, but would it be lame to TiVo Sesame Street?


Anonymous said...

Kim Cattrall? Chandra Wilson? Brian Williams? And ending with Cronkite's sign off ... Sesame Street is full of win. And "Pre School Musical?!" Classic.

I actually did watch it as a kid, and it was awesome then. It's 24790734 times more "fabulous" now.

Phillip Kisubika said...

If I had TiVo, I'd record it. Live the life.