Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Mid-Week Man Candy

Katy has given me free rein to pick Man Candy this week. I really should take this opportunity to pick someone she would really hate.

Hello, David Duchovny. I (along with not many other people) saw your movie this weekend, and it was pretty great. Not as good as the first X-Files movie, but that was one of my favorite movies ever so it's a bad comparison. You were also in "Twin Peaks," which makes you automatically cool. Oh, and you're really smart (did you know he graduated from Princeton and then got a master's from Yale?). So congratulations on being awesome, David Duchovny.

PS - This post makes me sound like a huge nerd. I am not ashamed.

NOTE FROM KATY: I don't hate David Duchovny so nice try. I do believe I actually said "Bravo" when I saw it was him. So there.

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