Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I would...

SkitchKD (10:26:31 PM): do you know who jay wright is?
ffiore957 (10:26:45 PM): that sounds vaguely familiar, but no
SkitchKD (10:26:57 PM): he coaches villanova
ffiore957 (10:27:01 PM): ok
SkitchKD (10:28:25 PM): https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjsEjou9DVNjaddTVqGOF7vfGOEQ0Zm54jobQaEbjvKeRRvhfolnqRXJZCd4OUJPsyn-L5sWuONenSq8Fn1e5AiOjnF_805XKG1kNG2qufGp3nxiJwd5bI_rGTGvRmQm7JPWpR1WSwDpEw/s400/wright_jay2.jpg
ffiore957 (10:28:50 PM): what about him?
SkitchKD (10:29:14 PM): look at him
ffiore957 (10:29:32 PM): i did
SkitchKD (10:29:37 PM): he's hot
ffiore957 (10:29:43 PM): you would
SkitchKD (10:29:46 PM): haha
ffiore957 (10:29:48 PM): i rolled my eyes when you said that

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