Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Mid-week Man Candy

I (Katy) just absolutely dominated my outline for my persuasion theory paper. Yea, son. So as a celebration, Man Candy for all our faithful readers.

Also, as a side note, I've received a few requests from some of our readers to have Man Candy be an actual real-life person (aka not a celebrity or athlete). If anyone has an opinions or feedback on this proposition, let us know. I think we should have a virtual Man Candy pageant, but that's just me.

Here's you, Mike Green, pretty much the hottest NHL defenseman in all the land. Since the Washington Capitals are my newly adopted favorite hockey team, I obviously had to pick a favorite player and there was no doubt in my mind that Green is my guy. Yea, Ovie is a popular pick, but no one skates on the ice with the hot Canadian-ness that is Mike Green. Yes, he is about seven months younger than me which may classify me as a cougar, but I would go on the prowl for him. So here's to you, Mike.

Photo courtesy of Getty Images.

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