Friday, February 15, 2008

Working hard for the money

Thanks a million to Clarity Media Group (owns Katy's paper) and Morris (owns Jess's paper) for allowing messaging devices on their employees computers.

skitchkd: i sometimes think i am bipolar
Jess: i doubt it
Jess: you're just weird

skitchkd: hey skanky
skitchkd: are you there? and ignoring me?
skitchkd: cuz if you are you are making me sad
skitchkd: sad in the loins
Jess: when do i ever ignore you?
skitchkd: never
skitchkd: which excites me
Jess: exactly

skitchkd: i am going now
skitchkd: caps game
skitchkd: woo
Jess: woo
skitchkd: but i am coming home afterwards
Jess: i'm so jealous
skitchkd: so we can chat more about my insanity
Jess: haha that's my favorite topic

skitchkd: where did you go?
Jess: mailroom
skitchkd: so that's code for sex right?
Jess: no, if i were having office sex, it would be in the stairwell
skitchkd: ooo, a wise choice
Jess: it would echo throughout the whole building, but i think it's worth it

skitchkd: i am so ashamed...i like a miley cyrus song
Jess: you are lame
Jess: we are not friends

Such is life.

Vegas Countdown: 11 days

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