Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Mid-Week Man Candy

Jake McDorman, aka Evan on one of our guilty pleasures, ABC Family's Greek (It's really quite enjoyable. Everyone should check it out). He plays a stereotypical HOT frat guy on the show, but his boyish good looks have won us over. He also made an appearance in the ill-fated Aquamarine (also staring JoJo...never a good choice), but he went topless. So bravo for him.

Monday, March 24, 2008


So I have a tendency to like a lot of crappy pop songs (i.e. Miley Cyrus...See You's just so damn catchy) and Jess likes to judge me. Well, finally we have come to agree. Thanks on my end to Ms, Tait, I have been introduced to Leona Lewis "Bleeding Love." I can't get it out of my head, so freaking catchy. I love it. YouTube won't let me embed the video, but check it out.

Sorry, Joshy

ffiore957 (9:37:57 PM): we should also post a non-fat picture of josh beckett
skitchkd (9:38:09 PM): haha no
skitchkd (9:38:09 PM): sorry
skitchkd (9:38:11 PM): can't do it
skitchkd (9:38:16 PM): there is no such thing
ffiore957 (9:38:27 PM): you are a liar and a whore

Fat, not phat

Elliot(1:10:01 PM): why is sean casey a red sock
Katy(1:18:22 PM): i was thinking the same thing when i saw that
Katy(1:18:24 PM): i dont know why
Katy(1:18:28 PM): why is bartolo colon a red sock?
Elliot(1:18:43 PM): cuz they like fat people in boston

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Mid-Week Man Candy

Oh, Matthew Fox. You have aged so well since your day on Party of Five. You are the cutest Dr. Shepard on ABC (even though Patrick Dempsey does have his moments). You won our hearts in We Are Marshall and your brooding-ness on LOST makes you one of the best parts of the once-crap-but-now-redeeming-itself-show. All we know is we'd like to get stranded on an island with you any day.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I got a dolla, hey, hey, hey, hey.

Victory has never been so sweet.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

A birthday miracle

So when I told a few people in passing the past the few weeks "Hey wouldn't it be funny if UGA won the SEC title and got a bid to the NCAA tournament?" I was kidding. Like I was literally making the biggest possible joke in the entire world. Well apparently, I was wrong. WAAAAY wrong. The past few days have included one of the biggest sports shocks in my entire life. Don't get me wrong, this is totally awesome. But really? A tornado rips apart the Georgia Dome and UGA becomes the first team in years to win two games in one day. Arkansas beats UT. Then today ... .quite possibly the most awesome birthday event in history. And to top it off, they are playing in D.C. and are playing a team who some people think they can beat. UGA a sleeper pick? Hmmm. At this point in time, I don't rule anything out. GO DAWGS!

(AP Images)

Break my (Katy) heart

ffiore957 (11:53:25 PM): did i tell you i picked a grad school?
skitchkd (11:53:28 PM): no
skitchkd (11:53:31 PM): is it in dc?
ffiore957 (11:53:38 PM): unfortunately, no
skitchkd (11:53:46 PM): thank i dont really care
ffiore957 (11:53:57 PM): well then poop on you

Happy birthday, Katy!

Well, I haven't posted since Katy's been gone (that's probably just as well because I've been watching some weird YouTube videos), but since it's her birthday, I have to say a little something.

I couldn't decide on an appropriate birthday blog gift. After much deliberation, I chose this video because it's something we can both enjoy. I think the music really makes it special. So happy birthday, Katy.

Oh, and Kyle Busch says happy birthday, too.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Thursday goodness

So I (Katy) am leaving for NYC tomorrow for my birthday and to see the parents. Woo. Anyways, the reason I am say this is cuz Jess probably won't update (now she will just to spite me). So here are a few things to hold you over until I make it back.

I'm sure everyone had heard of the now infamous Yanks-Rays brawl from yesterday. Shelly Duncan is now my hero. I even drafted him in my fantasy draft last night. But here is just one more reason why he is now creeping up in to my favorite Yankees list.

HAHAHA suck it.

Now this is a lot less funny. It actually breaks my heart. But Tracy McGrady's reaction is priceless.


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Play ball

So, it's springtime. Yes, that means baseball and pretty flowers and, ahem, Katy's birthday. But there is something that eclipses all of these. SPRING FOOTBALL PRACTICE!! WOOOO! I don't think I have ever been more excited for a football season. UGA is going to be STACKED and has the chance to be preseason number one which means anxiety levels at about 1,000,000 (everyone knows I may or may not get a little intense about UGA football ... just slightly). I know it's a week late but here is a little joy to mark the beginning of football in Athens, Georgia.

One of the best games ever, BTW. Sad it had to happen post-graduation.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Can't deny it

skitchkd (5:42:42 PM): so i think i am in love with kyle busch
ffiore957 (5:42:53 PM): i think you just blew my mind

Birthday Man Candy

We know it's only Tuesday and not quite mid week yet (well for Katy, yes, for Jess, it's the weekend) but today is not just any Tuesday. It is David Anders's birthday. Who is David Anders you may ask?

THIS is David Anders aka Julian Sark (Alias) aka Takeo Kensei/Adam Monroe (Heroes). Pretty much the greatest/hottest villain ever, Jess and I enjoyed him on five seasons of one of the best shows ever. Yes, he made out with a lot of skanks (still despise Lauren) but he had an adorable fake British accent which even fooled our resident Brit. He has even made appearances on other classics like So Little Time and Private Practice. Today, David turns 27. What a hot 27 years he has spent on this Earth.

ffiore957 (6:25:40 PM): i think he deserves multiple pictures
skitchkd (6:25:50 PM): it is his bday
ffiore957 (6:26:01 PM): and he is super hot

They some snitches

I would probably have a similar reaction if someone asked me about Florida. But with a lot more cussing and disses of Tim Tebow (DISCLAIMER: Jess loves Tim Tebow).

skitchkd: well you marry tebow
skitchkd: you wont have a lot of UGA friends
skitchkd: i mean seriously
ffiore957: i wouldn't need them

Credit to both Deadspin and JJ for bringing this video to my attention.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Midwest coolness

skitchkd (6:52:41 PM): so the fact it is so light outside is really throwing me off
ffiore957 (6:52:55 PM): i hate the time change
skitchkd (6:53:03 PM): it happens
ffiore957 (6:53:10 PM): i know
ffiore957 (6:53:20 PM): i might move to arizona so i don't have to deal with it anymore
skitchkd (6:53:28 PM): that is lame
skitchkd (6:53:34 PM): there are parts of indiana that dont do it either
ffiore957 (6:53:34 PM): you're lame
ffiore957 (6:53:39 PM): i would not move to indiana
skitchkd (6:53:52 PM): indiana is cool
ffiore957 (6:54:04 PM): why?
skitchkd (6:54:16 PM): its right next to illinois
ffiore957 (6:54:26 PM): well arizona is right next to nevada
ffiore957 (6:54:29 PM): and california
skitchkd (6:54:40 PM): i am from illinois
ffiore957 (6:54:43 PM): i know
skitchkd (6:54:53 PM): hence the coolness
ffiore957 (6:55:08 PM): i don't think the coolness extends to neighboring states
skitchkd (6:57:49 PM): my coolness is enough to cover a tristate area

Running with the Herd

Thanks to my father, I am a huge fan of ESPN Radio. (Not a fan of the ridic amount of commercials tho, but I can forgive them. I know how advertising dollars pay for my salary so I can handle it). I love Mike & Mike in the Morning (I have a thing for Greeny, what can I say?) and enjoy listening to the Mike Tirico show on my way to work (Van Peezie fo sheezie). But I think my favorite ESPN radio personality if by far Colin Cowherd.

Yea, I know. It has nothing to do with his support of my beloved Bulldogs (not that is doesn't earn him major points). It has to do with the fact that he is real. He tells it like it is. He can be controversial. He may piss off ESPN with some of the stuff that he says, but he is the most real radio personality I have listened to. He admits when he is wrong and openly flip flops back and forth between differing opinions (which most people do but don't really admit to). I would love to sit down and talk sports with him or have a beer or whatever. Oh, and he is an attractive divorcee. Gotta love it. And he plays fly jams on his show. Move your body like a cyclone.

Pocono fo sho

I am going to the NASCAR Sprint Cup race @ Pocono this coming July and just wanted to share the joy of our seats.

That's what I'm talking about.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Top Chef banter

skitchkd (8:31:11 PM): i think i will make trey's grits from topchef
ffiore957 (8:31:16 PM): gross
ffiore957 (8:31:19 PM): trey sucks
skitchkd (8:31:38 PM): TAKE IT BACK!
ffiore957 (8:31:42 PM): never
skitchkd (8:31:44 PM): at least he has both testicles!!!!!
ffiore957 (8:32:08 PM): oh zing
skitchkd (8:32:18 PM): yea, i got you

Katy's Bar Crawl Lessons

So I spent yesterday drinking from about 1:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. (first time I was intoxicated on a Saturday afternoon without there being a football game to attend). It was quite fun, but here are a few things I learned.

1) Eat more than a bowl of cereal before drinking commences
2) Don't mix Miller Lite, Sparks, Jager Bombs, rum and Diet and shots of Jim Beam.
3) When you decide to finish with alcohol, immediately start to drink water. Or else you'll feel buzzed for hours and be forced to Metro to your friend's place and have her pick your semi-drunk ass up from the station because you can't sober up in enough time to get back to your car and drive back to the 'burbs. (Stephanie Tait is my hero).

Lesson learned.

Hot tranny mess

Maybe I was really tired, but last night's SNL was really funny. This skit was my favorite (PS - I love that NBC allows you to embed videos now).

Thursday, March 6, 2008

TGIT - Thursday Mega Post

Yes, we are aware we have been slacking, but getting back in to the swing of things post-Vegas has proved to be harder than anticipated. A crazy week has ensued but here are a few things to make the end of the week a little more bearable.

This is like the cutest ESPN video ever ... not in terms of subject matter ... but in terms of attractiveness. Josh Elliot + Todd McShay + Matt Ryan?

We missed two weeks of Mid-Week Man Candy so we decided to do a double dose.

Here's to you Jason Thompson aka Dr. Patrick Drake from General Hospital (by far the best soap opera on TV and yes, we watch soap operas). He's no Lucky Spencer but Dr. Drake sure knows how to get our pulse rate up. I (Katy) hope that you and Robin can work out your differences because that baby is going to be adorable.

Oh, James Roday aka Shawn Spencer on Psych aka Katy's alter ego on TV. We love your hot fake psychicness and the wit and charm you bring to one of the best shows on TV. We vote for more scenes in which you are topless because that is the best way to solve crimes.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool

Yes, we are back from Vegas and yes, there will be a posting of pictures here eventually with a brief synopsis etc, etc. But I wanted to go ahead and get the post-vacation blogging back in full swing with a little video. Or two. Or three.

I just stumbled upon this ...

Thanks very much to Ms. Tait for introducing me to both of the following videos last night. I will let these speak for themselves.

And that is how we do that. Off with a bang.