Friday, August 15, 2008

A lil something, something...only in Texas

OK, so since I deviated slightly (not slightly, MAJORLY) in man candy this week (I'm sorry, I just can't help myself), I decided to make it up to my wonderful BFF by posting two totally awesome videos I took this weekend while I was in San Antonio.

First is Ballapeno, the mascot for the San Antonio Missions doing the cha-cha slide.

Side note: Yes, that is me laughing heartily in the beginning and you can see Jess's Missions catch BF in the background.

Here's is the most prized mascot of the Missions, aka the star of the show, Henry the Puffy Taco. For those of you who are unaware, puffy tacos are the delicacy of Texas and is exactly what is sounds like...a taco that is puffy. And yea, the taco is the mascot. This is Henry breakin' it down after he was brutally attacked by a small child (who just happened to be sitting behind us).

Everyone should go visit Jess just to see the awesomenss in person.


paul rehm said...

you have a bigger problem with me liking the Red Sox over UGA football than me liking Duke over UGA football? At least I grew up with the Red Sox. Most people give me shit about Duke.

Anonymous said...

this is what makes America great...only here can you see a man in a giant pepper costume do the cha-cha slide. Suck it rest of the world