Friday, January 23, 2009

The dawning of a new era

OK, so inauguration was pretty sweet. It's hard to explain, but there is this crazy energy that is coursing all over the city. I(Katy) went to class today and as I was walk around Dupont Circle...everything just seemed more alive. Anywho, I think the reader's of this blog know that we (Jess & Katy) are Obama fans. However, as I(Katy) was re-watching his speech from Tuesday (I'm a nerd...leave me alone. I'm also going to be studying speechwriting soon so I want to listen to good speeches. Oh yea, and Obama's speechwriter is hot). There is totally an error in the speech. Obama says that he is the 44th person to take the oath of office. As I'm sure more American history buffs know, Grover Cleveland served two non-consecutive terms as POTUS. He was counted twice in terms of the number of presidents, however, he did say the oath twice which means technically, there have only been 43 people to have taken the oath of office. Tsk, tsk. Do these speechwriters not have copy editors? Just wanted to share.

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