Thursday, May 8, 2008

Mid-week Man Candy ... one day late

So SOMEONE was quite busy yesterday with the whole getting ready for Atlanta thing so this is slightly delayed, but we are going to double your pleasure.

Oh Josh Charles and Peter Krause aka Dan Rydell and Casey McCall from one of the best shows ever, Sports Night. They are a dreamy, dreamteam of hotness and awesomeness who have fantastic comedic timing and are just plain awesome. While Peter has had some success with DirtySexyMoney and Six Feet Under, Josh, eh not so much. We know we would watch a Josh Charles show and it would be awesome. So bravo boys.

Casey: It's a vicious circle.
Dan: Yep. Just keeps going around and around.
Casey: Never stops.
Dan: That's what makes it vicious.
Casey: And a circle.

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